The Dragon’s Tale

By 3rd Grade Students at Huff Elementary
Jan 2013

The dragon guarded her cave.  Fury, the cheetah watched.  He knew that the dragon guarded her baby.

The dragon was pretty big—at least four and a half feet tall.  She was sparkly pink.  She breathed a hot flame of red fire.  Her wings were large but closed.  All over her body, she had sharp, long green spikes.  She had a long, spiky navy-blue tail.  Fury thought the dragon would feel very scaly and spiky.  The dragon smelled yucky—like salty water.  Fury hated salty water.

The dragon made a fierce noise, a roar that gave Fury goose bumps.  However, she didn’t seem to be roaring at Fury.  In fact, he didn’t think she saw him.  A bunny sat between the dragon and where the cheetah watched.  Fury thought that the dragon roared at the bunny.

The bunny ate carrots.  Carrots yuck!  He thought carrots would taste like salty water, as bad as the dragon’s scent.

Besides guarding her baby, Fury knew the dragon also guarded gold—lots of gold.  Fury wanted that gold. With that gold he could buy a turkey from the local animal friendly supermarket and taste meat for the first time.  The reason he had always been a vegetarian was because he could never bring himself to kill another animal.

Fury made a very fast run for the other side of the cave.  He hoped to go undetected, but he heard the dragon roar even more fiercely and stomp after him.  Suddenly the dragon flew past him and blocked the second entrance.  She breathed a hot red flame at him that singed his whiskers.

Fury turned tail and ran for the first entrance.  As he barreled through the opening, he bounced off of something that felt as if it had a million needles all over.  What the heck?  What did he just run into?  It looked like a cave entrance, but he was completely blocked by something big and thistly.  Ouch!

He ran like the wind to the other entrance but suddenly he flew through the air.  Oh No!  He had tripped over the bunny.  He face-planted.

He lifted his head and realized that he had flown into the cave!  The first thing he saw was a big oval-shaped egg.  It was light blue with dark blue speckles.  Oooh!  Now he could find the gold.

In his head, he chanted, “Gold, gold, gold.”  He was so close.

Suddenly, he was flying through the air again.  The dragon had punted him into the air and out of the cave.  He landed on the bunny.  The cheetah rolled off as quickly as he could, but the silent bunny bit him.  Ouch!

Fury ran from the cave.  The bunny ran after him.  Looking over his shoulder, he saw the dragon, but she did something he had never seen before.  In front of his eyes, she changed from pink sparkly to cave entrance.  She could camouflage herself.  When he ran onto the needles earlier he must have run into her!

The dragon moved toward him and as she did she took on the appearance of the blue sky, but then she turned back into the dragon.  Fury felt scared.  He ran!  He leapt over the bunny.  As he ran he looked over his shoulder again and saw the dragon trip over the bunny.  The bunny bit the dragon.  The dragon lost his focus on Fury and started to fight the bunny.

Fury ran back toward the cave.  Because he didn’t want the bunny hurt he grabbed her along the way and tossed her on his back.  They zipped into the cave before the dragon could react.

They were greeted by the dragon’s baby.  Immediately, a force field appeared around the bunny.  The cheetah tried to get to the bunny but bounced off her force field.  Then the bunny bounced into the baby dragon again and pop.  She became the Easter Bunny!

Fury heard the mother dragon approach. He quickly grabbed the bunny, force field and all and threw her at the mother dragon as she entered the cave.  She fell to the ground.  The cheetah ran as fast as he could—very fast—grabbed the gold and high-tailed it out of the cave.  He ran and ran to the store and never saw the dragon again.

The End.

Click here for another great Dragon story…

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