The Dragon and John Cena

By 5th Grade Students at Regnart Elementary
February 2016

The dragon guarded her cave. John Cena watched. He knew that this was Elsa the Dragon. Of course, he knew, because he had raised her from a little dragon egg.

Elsa was guarding mounds and mounds of gold. John could care less about gold. He hadn’t see Elsa for a while. He’d been too busy wrestling. But now he’d lost his job. He had come home.

On a visit to the local supermarket, he couldn’t resist stopping at Elsa’s on the way home. He knew that behind all that gold was another dragon egg.

The best thing that had ever happened to him was raising Elsa. He wanted that experience again. Elsa had changed a lot over the years. As a child she was purple. Now she was green with pink polka dots and red stripes. It was weird to imagine that once he had looked down at her. Now she was at least twenty feet tall. He had to strain his neck to look at her snout.

She had long bright yellow wings and two horns on the top of her head that were each five feet tall and super swirly.

John remembered that she breathed reddish-yellowish flame.

She was a furry dragon, just covered in fur. It was coarse and itchy fur. She had spikes all over her tail–very sharp spikes. He knew only too well how sharp those spikes were. She’d hit him with her tail many times by accident when he’d been trying to touch her.

She definitely smelled worse than when he’d been taking care of her. Back then she’d been so clean and fresh from all the baths he gave her, but now she smelled metallic, like the gold she guarded. John wrinkled his nose. It was an unpleasant smell.

Elsa was sniffling, a soft, low sound.

John decided to get her attention, to distract her and catch her off-guard. He began to dance. His dancing caused leaves to crackle and rustle. Elsa began to growl.  But then she stopped. Was it because she recognized him?

She lumbered over to a nearby waterfall and slurped up water. John thought it would taste so natural and fresh. Yum. He wondered if her growling had something to do with protecting the egg.

“Elsa,” he called. “Hello, can you help me?”

She came over and greeted him with a happy yelp.

“Please, can you carry these groceries to my house?”

She happily complied. As soon as she took flight, he ran into the cave. He saw mounds of gold. He ran past them, stumbling on coins and other gold.

He saw the egg. The egg began to hatch. With a loud crack, a baby dragon came out. It saw John and cried, “Mommy!”

With a loud whoosh, Elsa returned. John thought she looked angry. The baby started to sing John’s theme song, and the sound of the baby’s voice paralyzed Elsa. She started to sing along, frozen to the spot.

“Wow,” John thought. That baby had a superpower.

He decided now might be a good time to escape, given how angry Elsa seemed to be.

John ran. He made it out of the cave. The baby followed. John realized how selfish it was to try to take Elsa’s baby for his own.

“Baby,” he said. “That female dragon is your mother. You need to stay with her.” The baby cocked his head. He looked very confused. He continued to follow John.

Since Elsa was still in the cave, John had a feeling she was still frozen. He thought he could hear her singing. There was only one thing to do.

“Come with me,” he said to the baby and led him back to the cave.

Once inside, he asked the baby to unfreeze his mom. The baby did.

“I’m sorry Elsa,” John said. “I will stay with you and the baby. We can live happily together.”

And they did. And John discovered that those mounds of gold really were mounds of chocolate gold coins. Yumm!

The End.

Click here for another great Dragon story…

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