The Alien and the Zermaid

By 5th Grade Students at Washington Open Elementary
December 2014

The alien stood by her spaceship.  George, the zermaid (a zebra mermaid) watched.

The alien was giant.  She looked like a huge, floating blimp.  She was hot pink and had forty eyes. She also had giant, black wings. The wings were decorated with piggy pink swirls and circles.

Her spaceship was a giant glass sphere that looked as if it would fit on the alien’s head.  It had four rockets attached to it.

George thought that if it touched the alien, she would be fiery hot. It thought this because often little explosions occurred in her chest area. George also wanted to be very careful with the spaceship.  It had jagged shards of glass coming out every which way.  It thought it might cut itself on those sharp edges.

The alien smelled really, really sweet.  George thought it might be the sweetest smell it had every sniffed.  George had heard of cotton candy and was sure this was what it smelled like. Ahh!  What a wonderful scent.

The alien was whimpering very loudly, so loudly that she shook the ground. George thought the alien might be afraid. It was nighttime and quite dark. Could the alien be afraid of the dark?

As the alien whimpered, she pulled out a popsicle the size of George’s head and began to lick it with her fifty-foot tongue! Fortunately, she had very long arms. George realized that the popsicle was actually made out of frozen meat. The alien was a carnivore! That meatsicle looked delicious. George thought it would taste like rotten eggs. George loved rotten eggs! Yum. Yum. Yum.

Suddenly George felt something slither across its back. Ack! George leapt out of the water, flapping its tail.  It looked over its shoulder and saw a strange snake-like creature on its back.  The creature was maroon with a very furry head. When George landed back in the water with a loud splash, the snake-thingy fell off.

Immediately, the alien stopped whimpering and looked around for the source of the noise. She saw George and her eyes widened with surprise.

Before the alien could react, the enormous Deathstar appeared in the sky, falling fast.  It landed on the alien, squashing her like a pancake. It then bounced to her side and landed. The alien popped back to full size, seemingly unhurt.

Meanwhile, the hatch to the Deathstar opened and Darth Vader, breathing low and hard, strode out.

With a “zurp”, the fuzzy headed snake flew through the air, wielding a light saber with white light.  It attacked Darth Vader who pulled out his red-lit saber. In his other hand was a little, furry teddy bear.  The alien squealed and lunged and grabbed the teddy bear.

Darth Vader began to cry. George noticed that the alien now had an expression that seemed very empathetic, as if she felt bad for stealing Darth Vader’s teddy.

Suddenly the alien pulled out a wand and with a sonic boom, that George barely heard but felt in the water, twenty much larger teddies spawned near Darth Vader.

Aha, thought George. It was a magic wand.

Then the teddies started to fight the snake. They were now Darth Vader’s minions.

Very quietly and stealthily, the alien began to float back to its ship.  George thought the alien was trying to get away.  Had the alien found she had hoped to find by getting Darth Vader’s teddy bear?

Just as the alien reached her ship, Darth Vader turned to her, raised his hand and froze her using the force. George knew all about the force. Darth Vader waved the teddies after the alien and they marched forward. They surrounded the alien like a wall.

The alien managed to break free from the force that had frozen her and rammed the teddy bears.  She broke out and raced to her ship.  She jammed it on her head and shot into the air. The teddy bears revealed jet packs and rocketed after her.

Darth Vader returned to his ship and stood in the entryway.  He saw George attempting to hide.

In his very deep voice, he said, “George, I AM YOUR FATHER…”

To Be Continued.

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